168 Film Festival 2014

By 168 Film Festival (other events)

Saturday, September 13 2014 10:00 AM 9:00 PM PDT
Sadly, this date has passed so tickets are no longer available.
Saturday, September 13 2014 10:00 AM 9:00 PM
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168 KIDS!
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168 Kids! is brand new and features kid-friendly short films and fun activities, with something special for all ages, from 5-14.

The event starts with an hour of short kids films that will delight the young ones. Later, as the kids stroll down the Kids Red Carpet in this pint-sized, safe world, the stars will be out. Kids can get their faces painted and play games or grab a snack with Nathan Kress, who played Freddie on iCarly.

Following the red carpet, parents (and kids) can learn insider info on careers in film and TV from top Hollywood child talent agents as they discuss “Your Child and Hollywood.”

VIP All Festival Pass
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The best seats in the house, reserved for you, so no rushing back from lunch to save your seat.
All other seats are general admission.
Friday 3:00pm-9:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-9:00pm Including Awards Show and 168KIDS! event.

All Festival Pass
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See every film over both days of the festival and the Awards Show, Sept. 12-13, general admission (not a reserved seat).
Includes access to 168KIDS! event.

Saturday September 13, 10:00am-9:00pm
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See all Saturday Films and the Awards show. General admission (not a reserved seat).
Includes access to 168KIDS! event.

Please contact 168 Film Festival to request a refund.
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